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Coffee – Tea

The Best Coffee & Tea


Our rarest coffees, small-batch roasted in seattle.

[cesis_button button_text= »shop now » link= »https://themeforest.net/item/cesis-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/21736436?ref=tranmautritam » target= »_blank » button_size= »cesis_button_custom » button_width= »370px » button_height= »100px » button_border= »2″ css_animation= »fadeInUp » delay= »750″ button_text_color= »#ffffff » button_bg_color= »rgba(255,255,255,0.01) » button_border_color= »#bdf0d4″ h_button_text_color= »#333030″ h_button_bg_color= »#efe0d5″ h_button_border_color= »#efe0d5″ button_f_size= »12px » button_l_spacing= »1″]

Creative Design

A Premium Theme for Your Coffee Shop.

[cesis_line_divider height= »1″ width= »120″ color= »#333030″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

Our main goal with Cesis is to give the users absolute control over their website, we want them to be able to modify anything really easily without having to spend hours to learn how to do it.

Cesis is creating a new era for WordPress themes, you will never be able to get the same quality with any other theme. Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily, pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.


Use our Coffee to
Keep Your Flow all Day.

[cesis_line_divider pos= »cesis_line_d_left » height= »1″ width= »120″ color= »#333030″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

This theme is the best one to buy if you don’t know anything about coding but still want to be able to create awesome website. Using the front-end editor to build live and easily, anyone can do it.


the best coffee & tea

[cesis_line_divider pos= »cesis_line_d_left » height= »1″ width= »120″ color= »#333030″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

This theme is the best one to buy if you don’t know anything about coding but still want to be able to create awesome website. Using the front-end editor to build live and easily, anyone can do it.

[cesis_button button_text= »shop now » link= »https://themeforest.net/item/cesis-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/21736436?ref=tranmautritam » target= »_blank » button_size= »cesis_button_custom » button_width= »170px » button_height= »50px » button_border= »2″ css_animation= »fadeIn » button_text_color= »#333030″ button_bg_color= »#ffffff » button_border_color= »#bdf0d4″ h_button_text_color= »#333030″ h_button_bg_color= »#efe0d5″ h_button_border_color= »#efe0d5″ button_f_size= »12px » button_l_spacing= »1″]
[cesis_icon margin_bottom= »30″ icon_color= »#b5e6cd » h_icon_color= »#b5e6cd » icon= »fa-like »]


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Satisfied Customers

[cesis_line_divider height= »1″ width= »70″ color= »#bdf0d4″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »40″]
[cesis_icon margin_bottom= »30″ icon_color= »#b5e6cd » h_icon_color= »#b5e6cd » icon= »fa-diamond2″]


[cesis_count_to number= »1965″ number_color= »#ffffff » count_font= »custom » google_fonts= »font_family:Quattrocento%3Aregular%2C700|font_style:400%20regular%3A400%3Anormal » number_size= »88px » el_class= »cesis_align_a_left « ]

Different Blend

[cesis_line_divider height= »1″ width= »70″ color= »#bdf0d4″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »40″]
[cesis_icon margin_bottom= »30″ icon_color= »#b5e6cd » h_icon_color= »#b5e6cd » icon= »fa-building2″]


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Cesis Stores

[cesis_line_divider height= »1″ width= »70″ color= »#bdf0d4″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »40″]
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