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A brand of cesis theme

Relaxing Tea.

[cesis_line_divider pos= »cesis_line_d_left » height= »1″ width= »180″ color= »#ffffff » margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

The crafting of great taste begins with this blend of 100% arabica Latin American and African ground coffees.

Special Coffee.

[cesis_line_divider pos= »cesis_line_d_left » height= »1″ width= »180″ color= »#ffffff » margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

The crafting of great taste begins with this blend of 100% arabica Latin American and African ground coffees.

Our Menu.

[cesis_line_divider pos= »cesis_line_d_left » height= »1″ width= »180″ color= »#ffffff » margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

The crafting of great taste begins with this blend of 100% arabica Latin American and African ground coffees.

Special Coffee.

[cesis_line_divider pos= »cesis_line_d_left » height= »1″ width= »180″ color= »#ffffff » margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

The crafting of great taste begins with this blend of 100% arabica Latin American and African ground coffees.

The Cesis Coffee

A Premium Theme for Your Coffee Shop.

[cesis_line_divider height= »1″ width= »120″ color= »#333030″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

Our main goal with Cesis is to give the users absolute control over their website, we want them to be able to modify anything really easily without having to spend hours to learn how to do it.

Cesis is creating a new era for WordPress themes, you will never be able to get the same quality with any other theme. Our theme is the most advanced and user-friendly theme you will find on the market, we have documentation and video to help set your site really easily, pre-installed demos you can import in one click and everything from the theme options to page content can be edited from the front-end. This is the theme you are looking for.

[cesis_button button_text= »Learn more » link= »https://themeforest.net/item/cesis-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/21736436?ref=tranmautritam » target= »_blank » button_pos= »center » button_size= »cesis_button_custom » button_width= »170px » button_height= »50px » button_border= »2″ button_text_color= »#333030″ button_bg_color= »#ffffff » button_border_color= »#bdf0d4″ h_button_text_color= »#333030″ h_button_bg_color= »#efe0d5″ h_button_border_color= »#efe0d5″ button_f_size= »12px » button_l_spacing= »1″]
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The support team has been amazing! Even to the point where the developers are making special tweaks to their theme just so I can have my design style met. Thanks guys, legends!


from Envato Market

Not only is the design quality modern and immersive. It is also easy to handle and you have any setbacks the support team will make sure that it is temporary. They are quick to respond and find the solution. Definitely recommend this to anyone looking to build a responsive intelligent website.


from Envato Market

What an awesome theme. Impressive response time to support questions. Very helpful and you guys went over and above to assist me with something outside of the general support. 5 stars all round. Thank you!


from Envato Market


Our Partners

Who We Work With

[cesis_line_divider height= »1″ width= »120″ color= »#333030″ margin_top= »40″ margin_bottom= »30″]

All the coding have been done perfectly, you will be able to generate all the element and modify any options easily.

[cesis_partners type= »isotope » hover= »cesis_partners_opacity » to_show= »8″ category= » » col= »4″ css_animation= »fadeIn »]

Join Today!

Join our newsletter to earn free drinks!

[cesis_cf7 contact_id= »30″ type= »cesis_cf7_horizontal » horizontal_number= »4″ button_type= »custom » btn_width= »cesis_cf7_fw_btn » button_text_color= »#333030″ button_bg_color= »#ffffff » button_border_color= »#bdf0d4″ button_h_text_color= »#333030″ button_h_bg_color= »#efe0d5″ button_h_border_color= »#efe0d5″ button_google_fonts= »font_family:Open%20Sans%3A300%2C300italic%2Cregular%2Citalic%2C600%2C600italic%2C700%2C700italic%2C800%2C800italic|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal » button_f_size= »12px » button_l_spacing= »2″]

ready to get a cup of


A brand of cesis theme

[cesis_button button_text= »get a cup of coffee now » link= »https://themeforest.net/item/cesis-responsive-multipurpose-wordpress-theme/21736436?ref=tranmautritam » target= »_blank » button_pos= »center » button_size= »cesis_button_custom » button_width= »270px » button_height= »50px » button_border= »2″ css_animation= »fadeInUp » delay= »750″ button_text_color= »#ffffff » button_bg_color= »rgba(255,255,255,0) » button_border_color= »#bdf0d4″ h_button_text_color= »#333030″ h_button_bg_color= »#efe0d5″ h_button_border_color= »#efe0d5″ button_f_size= »12px » button_l_spacing= »1″]